Configure Scripts

Prescripts and postscripts are scripts that can be run before or after Backup and Restore jobs run, both at a job-level and before or after snapshots are captured. A script can consist of one or many commands, such as a shell script for Linux-based virtual machines or Batch and PowerShell scripts for Windows-based virtual machines.

Scripts can be created locally, uploaded to your environment through the Scripts pane, then applied to job definitions. In a Windows environment, if your application supports VSS, the Backup job triggers the VSS application quiesce logic if the Make these VMs application/file system consistent option is enabled when creating the VMware Backup job. However, for applications that don’t support VSS, or on Linux virtual machines, pre and post snapshot scripts can be used to quiesce your application for the snapshot backup.

Note: If adding a script to a Windows-based File System job definition, the user running the script must have the "Log on as a service" right enabled, which is required for running prescripts and postscripts. For more information about the "Log on as a service" right, see

Upload a Script

Supported scripts include shell scripts for Linux-based virtual machines and Batch and PowerShell scripts for Windows-based virtual machines. Scripts must be created using the operating system's associated file format.

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Scripts Scripts icon .
  2. Click Upload Upload script icon . The Upload Script dialog opens.
  3. In the Script field, browse for a local script to upload, then click Open.
  4. Enter an optional comment, then click OK. The script appears on the Scripts pane and can be applied to supported jobs.

Replace a Script

Upload a revised version of a script.

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Scripts Scripts icon .
  2. In the Scripts pane, select the script to replace by clicking in the row containing the script name.
  3. Click Replace Edit icon. The Update Script dialog opens.
  4. In the Script field, browse for a local updated script to upload, then click Open.
  5. Enter an optional comment, then click OK. The revised script appears on the Scripts pane and can be applied to supported jobs.

Delete a Script

Delete a script when it becomes obsolete. Removing a script from an associated job definition allows you to delete the script immediately. Deleting the job definition while a script is still assigned to a job definition requires that you run the Maintenance job before deleting the script.

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Scripts Scripts icon .
  2. In the Scripts pane, select the script to delete by clicking in the row containing the script name.
  3. Click Delete New icon. A confirmation dialog box displays.
  4. Confirm deletion. The script is deleted.


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