Using State and Status Arguments in Postscripts

The functionality described in this topic (state and status arguments) applies only to postscripts for Restore jobs. Backup jobs are not supported. Prescripts are not supported.

Certain positional arguments can be passed to a Retore job postscript for conditional logic. The arguments that can be passed are state and status. You can use the status argument, for example, if you want to perform an action only if a Restore job completes successfully. Your script would perform the action only if the value of status were SUCCESS.

When passing the arguments via the Postscript field in the ECX user interface, the arguments must be surrounded by underscores ( _STATE_ and _STATUS_ ). When doing so, the arguments are replaced in the script with the actual corresponding values.

Specifically, to pass the arguments state and status, enter the following in the Parameters field of the Postscript section of a job:


So for the above postscript example, the following output would display if the job ran in an Instant Disk Restore state and completed successfully:

state IA

status SUCCESS

Note: Passing _STATE_ or _STATUS_ to a script for an unsupported script type (such as prescripts) or an unsupported job type (such as Backup job scripts), simply passes “_STATE_” or “_STATUS_” as plain text.

An additional argument, _VOLUMES_, can also be added to a postscript to list the names of restored volumes.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.11

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