Configure Tenants

A tenant is a grouping of resources and users that are administered by a tenant administrator. An ECX administrator creates tenants, assigns resources to be made available to the tenants, and creates the tenant administrator. The tenant administrator can then further control and restrict resources for users in the tenant group, as well as add additional users to the tenant through LDAP. Tenants can be assigned shared resources, but in most cases would not have access to the resources or users of other tenants. Only ECX administrators and tenant administrators can configure a tenant; tenant users cannot configure a tenant.

A resource pool and a role determines the ECX resources and actions available within a tenant. A built-in Tenant role may be selected, which gives tenant users the ability to register resources, create job definitions, and other predefined ECX tasks.

To log in to the tenant, use the following format: tenant name/user name. For example, if the tenant is named "tenant1," a user with the username "tenant_user" would log in by entering the following in the ECX username field: tenant1/tenant_user.

To ensure tenant administrators and users can only view job definitions associated with their tenant, you must assign the Create permission, not the View permission, for jobs in the Select the roles/permissions for the resource pool step. Assigning the View permission gives tenant administrators and users full access to all jobs in the Resource Pool, including jobs that are not associated with the tenant. By granting only Create permissions for jobs, tenant administrators and users can create their own tenant-specific jobs. Tenant administrators can always view the jobs created by their tenant users, regardless of assigned permissions.


  • Review Best Practices for Configuring Tenants.
  • Create a resource pool to associate with the tenant. A resource pool is a component of the role-based access system, and defines the resources that will be made available to the tenant. See Configure Resource Pools.
  • Create a role to associate to the resource pool and the users of the tenant. A role defines the actions that can be performed on the resources defined in the tenant's resource pool. Configure Roles.

Add a Tenant

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Access Control Roles icon , then select the Tenants tab.
  2. Click New Add Tenant icon . The New Tenant editor opens.
  3. In the Enter Tenant Info section, enter a name for the tenant in the Tenant Name field as well as a tenant administrator name in the Tenant Admin Name field. Enter and confirm a password for the tenant administrator.
  4. In the Select resource pools section, select one or more resource pools to add to the tenant.
  5. In the Select the roles/permissions for the resource pool section, click Click to select roles to assign roles to the selected resource pools. Note that a built-in Tenant role may be selected, which gives tenant users the ability to register resources, create job definitions, and other predefined ECX tasks.
  6. When you are satisfied that the entered information is correct, click Finish. The tenant appears on the All Tenants pane and the administrator account can log in to the newly created tenant using the following format: tenant name/tenant admin name.

Edit a Tenant

Revise a tenant to change the associated resource pools and permissions. Updated tenant settings take affect once accounts associated with the tenant log in.

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Access Control Roles icon , then select the Tenants tab.
  2. Select the tenant to edit by clicking in the row containing the tenant name.
  3. Click Edit Edit icon. The Update Tenant Info editor displays.
  4. Update the Tenant Name, Tenant Admin Name, and resource pools associated with the tenant.
  5. Click Finish. The revisions are applied to the tenant.

Delete a Tenant

Delete a tenant when it becomes obsolete. Note that before deletion, associated jobs and resources must be cleaned up through the Maintenance job. The Maintenance job removes resources and associated objects created by ECX when a job in a pending state is deleted. The cleanup procedure reclaims space on your storage devices, cleans up your ECX catalog, and removes related snapshots.

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Access Control Roles icon , then select the Tenants tab.
  2. Select the tenant to delete by clicking in the row containing the tenant name.
  3. Click Delete Delete Tenant icon . A confirmation dialog box displays.
  4. Confirm deletion. The tenant is deleted.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.7.3

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