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About the Help System

Starting Help

In the application, click the help icon Help icon to invoke help specific to the active function. For example, click the help icon Help icon on the Search tab to view help topics related to searching for objects.

By default, the Help system accessed from the management interface is online. To ensure you are seeing the latest Help system, clear your browser cache before selecting Help. To use a local Help system that does not require an Internet connection click the arrow next to Help Help icon to open the About Catalogic ECX window. Select Use local help system. The local version might not contain the latest updates.

Note: Pop-up windows must be enabled in your browser to access the Help system and some ECX operations.

Before You Begin, Next Steps, and Related Topics

Prerequisites for procedures are listed in Before You Begin sections in many help topics. For example, you must run a job before you run a report, so a link to the Run a Job procedure is available in the Before You Begin section of the Run a Report procedure. Topics also include Next Steps and Related Topics sections for more information.

Search Help Feature

Use the Search feature in the Help system to locate pertinent information in the entire documentation suite:

  • Enter a word in the search field to find all topics that contain that word. For example, schedule.
  • Enter multiple words in the search field to find topics related to both words. For example, searching for schedule policy returns results for schedule and policy as well as "schedule policy."
  • Enter words separated with AND, +, or & to find topics that contain all of the words separated by the operators. For example, schedule AND policy, schedule + policy, or schedule & policy.
  • Enter words separated with OR to find topic that contain any of the words separated by OR. For example, schedule OR policy.

Search for words on a help page by using the Find feature in your browser.

Security Management Topics

A security icon Security icon precedes a security management help topic. Security management identifies the interfaces that manage the security functions in ECX. Only the Super User and System Administrators configure the security functions. Examples of security management include adding users, assigning roles, configuring ECX to use LDAP, and configuring ECX to use HTTPS.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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