You are here: Monitor > Start, Stop, and Halt a Job Session

Start, Stop, and Halt a Job Session

From the Jobs Job List icon pane on the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab you can run a job session on demand, stop a running job, and hold all future scheduled instances of a job from running until you are ready for the job to proceed.


  • Create Catalog, script, and report policies. See Plan Overview.

To start a job session:

  1. Click the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Jobs Job List icon.
  2. Select the job to run by clicking in the row containing the job name.
  3. Click Start Start icon. A confirmation dialog box opens.
  4. Note: If a job session has multiple run options, such as running a Use Data policy in Test, Recovery, or Clone mode, you will be prompted to select a job session type.
  5. Click Yes. The job session runs.
  6. Click the job name to view the job session details, including the job session's start date and time, duration, description, status through a progress bar, and associated messages.

To stop a job session:

  1. Click the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select History Job Sessions icon.
  2. Select a running job to stop by clicking in the row containing the job name.
  3. Click Stop Stop icon. A confirmation dialog box opens.
  4. Click Yes. The job session stops.

To hold and release a job session:

  1. Click the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Jobs Job List icon.
  2. Select the job to suspend by clicking in the row containing the job name.
  3. Click Actions > Hold to hold the job session. The job session status changes to Held, and all future scheduled instances of the job will not run until released.
  4. Click Actions > Release to release the job session.




Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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