You are here: Plan > Edit a Policy

Edit a Policy

Revise policy properties to change the provider that the policy is run against, Storage Workflows associated with a Copy Data policy, the policy options, notification and schedule properties.

Note: Copy Data policies created in ECX 2.1 are editable in ECX 2.2. Available editable options reflect the options that were available in ECX 2.1.


  • Review the properties of your current policies. See Plan Overview.

To edit the properties of a policy:

  1. Click the Plan Plan tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Policies Reports icon. Then click the All Policies tab.
  2. Select the policy to edit by clicking in the row containing the policy name.
  3. Click Edit Edit icon. The Policy Editor opens.
  4. Click through the Policy Editor Wizard making revisions as needed.
  5. Click Finish when you are satisfied that the policy-specific information is correct.


  • If you do not want to wait until the next scheduled job run, run the job session on demand. See Start, Stop, and Halt a Job Session.
  • Track the progress of the job on the Monitor tab. See Monitor a Job Session.
  • If SMTP options are enabled, an email message with information about the status of each task is sent when the job completes.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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