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Security iconUser Administration and Security Management

ECX provides users the opportunity to rapidly locate files and objects on EMC, IBM, and NetApp storage devices along with VMware ESX, Oracle, and SQL hosts. ECX then stores this information so you can report on it. The reports provide a basis for users to take administrative actions towards efficient management of the EMC, IBM and/or NetApp storage devices, along with VMware, Oracle, and SQL hosts and resources.

ECX security objectives are:

  • Identify and authenticate users prior to providing any of its services.
  • Ensure all functions are authorized.
  • Protect confidentiality of EMC, IBM, NetApp, VMWare, Oracle, and SQL server credentials by encrypting them when stored and in transit.
  • Prevent bypass of and tampering with its security functions through perimeter hardening and use of secure transmission protocols.

Note that ECX uses FIPS compliant encryption algorithms.

Identification and Authentication

All services require some form of authentication.

Users are uniquely identified by entering a user name and password. System Administrators have the option of adding native users or importing groups of provisioned users through LDAP authentication. Native user names are not case sensitive. LDAP user name case sensitivity relies on the configuration of your LDAP server.

User Data Security

ECX employs role-based access control to provisioned users:

  • Native users or members of imported LDAP groups are assigned to roles.
  • Roles contain collections of permissions that allow access to ECX functionality.

Sensitive data is encrypted when stored.

Data in transit is also protected. ECX protects the confidentiality of the user and system credentials. Sensitive data is encrypted or transported using SSL and HTTPS. The user login is protected via HTTPS for browser client to ECX server login, and via LDAP/S for communication with the LDAP directory server. For backend processes, protection is secured via HTTPS authentication to the storage system and ESXi.

ECX identifies the following types of sensitive data: native user credentials, EMC, IBM, and NetApp storage system credentials, VMware/ESX host credentials, and user credentials.

Security Management

Security management identifies the interfaces that manage the security functions in the ECX application. Only an authenticated, authorized user can configure the security functions. Examples of security management include adding users, assigning roles, configuring ECX to use LDAP, and configuring ECX to use HTTPS. Following are the security management functions in ECX:

  • Adding, editing, and deleting a user
  • Assigning roles to a user
  • Configuring authentication mode
  • Configuring LDAP
  • Importing certifications
  • Configuring HTTPS

Management and Operation Functions

Management and operation functions include session timeout, log on credentials, and role-based access control mechanism:

  • The session timeout specifies the time-out period assigned for the application in minutes. If the user does not refresh or request a window within the time-out period, the session ends automatically. Session timeout is set for 30 minutes and cannot be changed.
  • Users are uniquely identified by entering a user name and password.
  • Role-based access control is employed. Once a user is added to ECX, either as a native user or imported as part of an LDAP group, the user is assigned to specified resource pools and roles.


ECX provides encryption solutions for complete security. The solution includes certificates, use of HTTPS, and safe storage of passwords in the database. Sensitive data such as data in transit is encrypted or transported using SSL and HTTPS. User credentials such as passwords are safely stored in the ECX database. Obtaining and storing this sensitive data constitutes the basic function of the ECX application. This data is subject to the user data security requirements.


The following ports are used by ECX:

Port Service Version Comment
22 ssh OpenSSH 5.3 (protocol 2.0) Port open within the firewall.
25 smtp Non-SSL connection for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Service used by ECX
68 bootpc in DHCP clients DHCP Listener UDP  
80/443 http/https VMware and NetApp Service used by ECX
389 LDAP Non-SSL connection for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Service used by ECX
443 smtp SSL connection for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Service used by ECX
636 LDAP SSL connection for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Service used by ECX
4369 epmd Erlang port mapper Service used by ECX
5432 postgresql PostgreSQL DB 8.4.1-8.4.4 Service used by ECX
5480 ssl/http vami Port open within the firewall
6123 DPX Master Server DPX  Service used by ECX
8443 ssl/http Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine 1.1 Port open within the firewall
8761 Discovery Server 1.0 Service used by ECX. Locates registered micro services.
27017 MongoDB MongoDB mongod Service used by ECX
27018 MongoDB MongoDB mongod Service used by ECX
55672 rabbitMQ RabbitMQ administrative Service used by ECX


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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