You are here: Plan > Use Data Policies > Create an Application Use Policy

Create an Application Use Policy

ECX leverages Copy Data Management technology for recovering application databases through Application Use policies. Your Oracle clones can be utilized and consumed instantly through ECX Instant Access policies. ECX catalogs and tracks all cloned instances. Instant Access leverages ISCSI or fibre channel protocols to provide immediate mount of LUNs without transferring data. Snapshotted databases are cataloged and instantly recoverable with no physical transfer of data. Point-in-time recovery is supported with log forwarding.


Provides Instant Access or Instant Recovery to a new location using a masked image, created through an Application Copy policy with data masking enabled.

Instant Database Recovery

Provides Instant Access or Instant Recovery using a non-masked image and point-in-time transaction logs.

Instant Access

Mounts a database for RMAN restores.



  • Note that RAC databases cannot be recovered to their original location while the protected (source) database is still running, even if a new name is chosen for the recovered database. You must either recover the database to another cluster, or shut down the source database before recovering a copy to the same cluster.
  • Note that point-in-time recovery is not supported when one or more datafiles are added to the database in the period between the chosen point-in-time and the time that the preceeding copy job ran.
  • To properly recover Oracle databases, the ORACLE_BASE environment variable must be set in the login environment of the user that owns the Oracle home. In cases where multiple homes exist on a node, each with a different owner, the variable must be set for each of the owners.

Best Practice: Create a schedule before creating a policy so that you can easily add the schedule to the job definition in the New Policy editor.

To create an Application Use policy:

  1. Click the Plan Plan tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Policies Reports icon.
  2. Click the All Policies tab, select New New icon, then select Application Applications icon in the Use Data column. The Application Use Policy editor opens.
  3. Click the 1: Workflow tab. Select a template. Available options include DevOps DevOps icon , Instant Database Recovery Restore icon , and Instant Access Instant Access icon .
  4. Click Source Source icon . Select a source site and an application server to view available database recovery points. Select resources, and change the order in which the resources are recovered by dragging and dropping the resources in the grid.
  5. If creating a DevOps DevOps icon policy, only masked copies display in the Source Source icon window.
  6. Click Copy Copy icon . Sites containing copies of the selected data display. Select a site. By default the latest copy of your data is used. To choose a specific version, select a site and click Select Version. If recovery from one snapshot fails, another copy from the same site is used.
  7. If creating an Instant Database Recovery Restore icon policy, an additional recovery option is available through the Select Version feature. Enable Allow Point-in-Time selection when job runs to leverage archived logs and enable a point-in-time recovery of the databases.
  8. If creating an Instant Access Instant Access icon policy, the RMAN tag displays next to the time in the Version field. An Oracle administrator can correlate the RMAN backups to the ECX versions during policy creation.
  9. Click Destination Destination icon . Select a source site and an associated Oracle home. Click the Destination field to enter an optional alternate name for the database.
  10. Click the 2: Options tab. Select the policy options.
  11. Make Permanent
  12. Set the default permanent restoration action of the policy.
  13. Enabled - Always make permanent through full copy FlashCopy
  14. Disabled - Never make permanent
  15. User Selection - Allows the user to select Make Permanent or Cleanup when the job session is pending
  16. Protocol Priority
  17. If more than one storage protocol is available, select the protocol to take priority in the policy. Available protocols include iSCSI and Fibre Channel.
  18. Continue with next source on failure
  19. Toggle the recovery of a resource in a series if the previous resource recovery fails. If disabled, the Use Data policy stops if the recovery of a resource fails.
  20. Automatically clean up resources on failure
  21. Enable to automatically clean up allocated resources as part of a restore if the database recovery fails.
  22. Allow to overwrite and force clean up of pending old sessions
  23. Enabling this option allows a scheduled session of a recovery job to force an existing pending session to clean up associated resources so the new session can run. Disable this option to keep an existing test environment running without being cleaned up.
  24. Click the 3: Notification tab. Select the policy notification options.
  25. SMTP Server
  26. From the list of available SMTP resources, select the SMTP Server to use for job status email notifications. If an SMTP server is not selected, an email is not sent.
  27. Email Address
  28. Enter the email addresses of the status email notifications recipients. Click Add Add Node icon to add it to the list.
  29. Click the 4: Schedule tab. Select Start job now to run the job immediately, as defined by the order of the recovery sources in the 2: Source tab. Select Schedule job to start at later time to view the list of available schedules. Optionally select one or more schedules for the job. As each schedule is selected, the schedule's name and description displays.
  30. Note: To create and select a new schedule, click Views, then select Schedules Schedule icon. Create a schedule, then return to the policy editor, refresh the Available Schedules pane, and select the new schedule.
  31. Click the 5: Finish tab. Enter a name for your policy and a meaningful description. When you are satisfied that the policy-specific information is correct, click Finish. The policy runs as defined by your triggers, or can be run manually from the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab.


  • If you do not want to wait until the next scheduled job run, run the job session on demand. See Start, Stop, and Halt a Job Session.
  • Track the progress of the job session on the Monitor tab. See Monitor a Job Session.
  • If notification options are enabled, an email message with information about the status of each task is sent when the job completes.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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