You are here: Report > Run a Report

Run a Report

Perform the following steps to run any report from the Report tab. You can run reports with predefined default parameters or run customized reports driven by custom parameters.


To run a report using default parameters:

  1. Click the Report Reports tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Reports Reports icon. The Report Browser opens.
  2. Select a predefined report from the Report Browser pane.
  3. Click Run Run icon. The default report data is returned in the Report pane.

To run a report using custom parameters:

  1. Click the Report Reports tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Reports Reports icon. The Report Browser opens.
  2. Select a predefined report from the Report Browser pane.
  3. Select report parameter values in the Parameters pane. Parameters are unique to each report. The parameters that you select drive the report output.
  4. Click Run Run icon. The customized report data is returned in the Report pane.



Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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