You are here: Configure > Configure Providers > Edit a Provider

Edit a Provider

Revise the properties of a provider as needed.


To edit the properties of a provider:

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Providers Add Node icon. The Provider Browser opens.
  2. In the Provider Browser pane, browse to the desired provider and select it.
  3. Right-click the provider. Then click Edit Edit icon. An update dialog opens.
  4. Make revisions as needed. Fields to revise include the following:
  5. Site
  6. A user-defined provider location, created in the Sites view on the Configure tab.
  7. Name
  8. A user-defined name for the provider. This can be the same as the host name or it can be a meaningful name that is used within your organization to refer to the provider. Provider names must be unique.
  9. Host Address
  10. A resolvable IP address or a resolvable path and machine name.
  11. Port
  12. The communications port of the provider you are adding. Select the Use SSL check box to enable an encrypted Secure Socket Layer connection. The typical default port is 80 for non SSL connections or 443 for SSL connections.
  13. Username
  14. The name used to access the provider.
  15. Password
  16. The password associated with the user name.
  17. Comment
  18. Optional provider description.
  19. Click OK when you are satisfied that the policy-specific information is correct.


  • If the storage provider you edited has not recently been cataloged, catalog it. See Plan Overview.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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