You are here: Report > Create a Customized Report

Create a Customized Report

Perform the following steps to create a report with customized parameters. Select a predefined report, set custom parameters, and save the report with a customized name to run on demand or create a schedule to run the report as defined by the parameters of the schedule.

Customized reports display nested under their predefined source report on the Report Browser pane.


To create a customized report:

  1. Click the Report Reports tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Reports Reports icon. The Report Browser opens.
  2. Select a predefined report to save as a customized report from the Report Browser pane.
  3. Select report parameter values in the Parameters pane. Parameters are unique to each report. The parameters that you select drive the report output.
  4. Click Save As Save icon. The Save As window opens.
  5. Enter a Title and a Description for the customized report. Report names can include alphanumeric characters and the following symbols: $ - _ . + ! * ' ().
  6. Click Submit. The customized report is saved.
  7. Return to the Report Browser. Expand the original predefined report to view associated customized reports.


  • Run the customized report from the Report Reports tab icon tab. See Run a Report.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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