You are here: Configure > Configure Providers > Add Credentials to a Virtual Machine

Add Credentials to a Virtual Machine

Some features in ECX require credentials to access virtual machines in your VMware environment, such as truncating application logs when running a VMware Copy Data policy. Credentials can be added to individual virtual machines or to multiple virtual machines if the credential information is universal.


To add credentials for a single virtual machine:

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab.
  2. In the Provider Browser pane, expand the VMware vSphere provider icon object and select a VMware provider.
  3. Click the VMs tab to view associated virtual machines, then click the virtual machine name.
  4. Click the Credentials tab.
  5. Click New Add Roles icon . The New Credential dialog opens.
  6. Enter the username, password and an optional description in the Comment field.
  7. Select the credential type. Options include System and SQL.
  8. If entering SQL credentials, enter the name of the SQL instance in the Instance Name field.
  9. To apply System credentials to application instances (for example, SQL instances), enable the Use System Credentials for apps option. Note that System credentials are always required. If your application instances use credentials that differ from your System credentials, you must repeat the above procedure for each application instance using different Instance Names.

To add credentials for multiple virtual machines:

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab.
  2. In the Provider Browser pane, expand the VMware vSphere provider icon object and right-click a VMware provider. Then click Manage VMs Search tab  icon. The Manage Virtual Machines dialog opens.
  3. Enter a wildcard to search for virtual machines available on the VMware provider. For example, vm* or vm[1-50].
  4. Select virtual machines with universal credentials.
  5. Enter the universal credential information for the virtual machines, along with the credential type and instance name if applicable.
  6. To apply System credentials to application instances (for example, SQL instances), enable the Use System Credentials for apps option. Note that System credentials are always required. If your application instances use credentials that differ from your System credentials, you must repeat the above procedure for each application instance.
  7. Click Close to exit the Manage Virtual Machines dialog.

Existing credentials for multiple virtual machines can also be updated through the Manage VMs Search tab  icon feature. To update credentials for an individual virtual machine, click Manage in the row containing the virtual machine.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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