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Update ECX Using Internet Access

The process of applying software patches is called software update or the update process. Use the software update process to upgrade your ECX software with the latest features and enhancements. It is strongly recommended that you run the most current release of ECX to take advantage of the latest functionality including operating system and application support. For the latest system requirements, customer notices, product documentation, and access to the Catalogic Knowledge Base, go to MySupport.

The easiest way to apply updates is to allow the virtual machine access to the Internet, where it can query for updates and download them as needed. Log on to the web-based management console to configure update settings and update the ECX virtual appliance. Updates are delivered through an online repository, which can be accessed through the Update tab on the management console.


  • Install ECX by deploying an OVF template. This creates a virtual machine containing the application on a VMware host such as an ESX or ESXi Server. See Install ECX as a Virtual Appliance.
  • Use Check Updates to verify Internet connectivity to MySupport and to confirm the version of the update.
  • Perform a VM snapshot of the virtual machine where ECX is deployed prior to the following update procedure.
  • This topic describes the update process if you have Internet access. If you do not have Internet access, see Update ECX Using a CD.

If Internet access is available and you will apply updates from the default repository, follow the below procedures:

Note: After ECX updates, it cannot rollback to a previous version without a virtual machine snapshot. Create a virtual machine snapshot of your environment before updating, then, if necessary, perform a virtual machine snapshot rollback to return to a previous version of ECX.

To enter your update repository credentials:

  1. From a supported browser, enter the following URL:
  2. https://<HOSTNAME>:5480/
  3. where <HOSTNAME> is the IP address of the virtual machine where the application is deployed.
  4. In the login window, enter your user name and password to access the virtual machine management console. The default user name is administrator and the default password is ecxadLG235.
  5. Click the Update tab and then click the Settings tab.
  6. Note: Keep Automatic Updates set to No automatic updates. Keep the default setting, Use Default Repository, which pulls updates from MySupport.

  7. Click Save Settings.

To check for available updates and install them:

  1. Click the Update tab and then click the Status tab.
  2. Click Check Updates to check for updates from the update repository.
  3. If updates are available, click Install Updates. The update process may take some time to complete depending on the size of the update and the speed of the Internet connection.
  4. Once complete, the virtual machine where the application is deployed automatically reboots.


  • If previously cataloged high-level objects, such as those cataloged by a NetApp Storage Catalog Data policy, no longer appear in ECX after the update completes, you must re-run your high-level catalog policies. Policies and their associated schedules created before the update carry over to the updated version of ECX and will run as scheduled. Existing policies can also be rescheduled to run after the update completes or can be run manually.
  • After verifying that the update process was successful and the ECX application is running as expected, you can arrange to have the virtual machine snapshot removed.
  • HTML content from previous versions of ECX may be stored in your browser's cache. Clear your browser's cache before logging in to an updated version of ECX to ensure you are viewing the latest content changes.
  • The latest OVA for fresh install and updates are available on MySupport.
  • If the update process fails, encounters an error, or there is any interruption in the update process prior to it completing, review the update logs at the following location on the virtual machine - /opt/vmware/var/log/vami/updatecli.log. See Collect Logs For Troubleshooting.
  • To reapply the update, revert the virtual machine snapshot, which was created before the update procedure, and then attempt another update.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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