You are here: Search > Download Search Results

Download Search Results

After performing a search, use the download feature to save search results as a CSV file. You can view the file or save it for offline viewing.

Note: Hyperlinks might not be active in the CSV file. Only search results that are visible on the search results pane are exported.


  • Use the search feature to find objects on providers that are cataloged in ECX. See Search for Objects.

To save search results as a CSV file:

  1. Perform a basic or advanced search.
  2. In the search results pane, click Download.
  3. Select Open to view the file now or Save to save the file to your local disk.
  4. Click OK.

Tip: A CSV file can be opened with Microsoft Excel.

Tip: Times appear as Epoch timestamps, which can be converted using any third party Epoch timestamp converter.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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