You are here: Configure > Configure Role-Based Access Control > Configure Resource Pools

Configure Resource Pools

A resource pool is a component of the role-based access system, and defines the resources that will be made available to an account. Every provider added to ECX, such as storage devices and LDAP servers, can be included in a resource pool, along with individual ECX functions and screens. This gives you the ability to finely-tune the experience of a user. For example, a resource pool could include only storage devices associated with a single vendor, with access to only the ECX search and reporting functionality. When the resource pool is associated with a role and an account, the account user will only see the screens associated with search and reporting, and will only have access to the storage devices defined in the resource pool.

Enhanced granularity is supported when configuring resource pools for VMware providers, allowing administrators to give permissions to users at the following levels: datastore, host, and virtual machine. Expand the datastore level to view folders containing all available datastores, hosts, and virtual machines on the datastore, then assign them to the resource pool as needed. Note that hosts are used as data destinations in Copy Data Management policies, so you must ensure a user running these policies has the correct permissions to interact with the hosts and policies through role-based access control.


  • Create sites to assign to your providers. A site is a user-defined grouping of providers that is generally based on location. See Add a Site.
  • Add providers to ECX and associate them with a site. See Register a Provider.

Add a Resource Pool

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Resource Pools Resource Pools icon . The All Resource Pools pane opens.
  2. In the All Resource Pools pane, click New New Resource Pool icon . The New Resource Pool editor opens.
  3. Click the 1: Providers tab. From the list of available sites and providers, select one or more providers to add to the resource pool. Note that your providers are grouped into sites, which allows you to add entire sites to the resource pool, or specific providers within the site. Individual storage virtual machines and VMware datacenters can also be selected for use with a resource pool.
  4. Click the 2: Policies tab. Select one or more policy types, individual custom policies, and schedules to include in the resource pool.
  5. Click the 3: Reports tab. Select one or more report types or individual reports to include in the resource pool.
  6. Click the 4: Identities tab. Select one or more keys and credentials to include in the resource pool.
  7. Click the 5: Security tab. Select security options that will be configurable by accounts associated with this resource pool. Available options include All Roles, All Accounts, All Resource Pools, and All Storage Workflows. For example, if All Resource Pools is selected in this step, users associated with this resource pool can create, view, edit, and delete Resource Pools, if paired with the necessary "resourcepool" permission, set on the Roles Roles icon pane.
  8. Click the 6: Screens tab. Select the ECX screens to include in the resource pool. For example, to create an account that does not have access to the Marketplace, exclude the Marketplace from the resource pool in this step.
  9. Click the 7: Finish tab. Enter a name for your resource pool and a meaningful description. When you are satisfied that the entered information is correct, click Finish. The resource pool appears on the All Resources pane and can be applied to new and existing accounts.

Edit a Resource Pool

Revise a resource pool to change the selected resources and ECX features. Updated resource pool settings take affect once accounts associated with the resource pool log in to ECX.

Note: The ECXALL resource pool cannot be edited.

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Resource Pools Resource Pools icon . The All Resource Pools pane opens.
  2. In the All Resource Pools pane, select the resource pool to edit by clicking in the row containing the resource pool name.
  3. Click Edit Edit Resource Pool icon . The Edit Resource Pool dialog opens.
  4. Update the resources and ECX features to assign to the resource pool.
  5. Click Finish. The revisions are applied to the resource pool.

Delete a Resource Pool

Delete a resource pool when it becomes obsolete. A resource pool cannot be deleted if it is assigned to an account. Re-assign your accounts to different resource pools before deleting.

Note: The ECXALL resource pool cannot be deleted.

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Resource Pools Resource Pools icon . The All Resource Pools pane opens.
  2. In the All Resource Pools pane, select the resource pool to delete by clicking in the row containing the resource pool name.
  3. Click Delete Delete Resource Pool icon . A confirmation dialog box displays.
  4. Confirm deletion. The resource pool is deleted.


  • Create roles to define the actions that can be performed by the user of an account associated with a resource pool. Roles are used to define permissions to interact with the resources defined in the resource pool. See Configure Roles.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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