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Search Exporter

The Search Exporter is a Catalogic utility that can be used in conjunction with ECX. It was developed based on customer demand where there was a need to export large collections of search results from ECX.

The Search Exporter is a self-executable jar file that simply executes ECX API queries against the NetApp cataloged metadata, aggregates the query results, and then logs the statistics to one or more files. The app supports setting options in multiple forms. Options can be submitted via the command line or via a properties file. For information about an HTML 5 GUI-based beta version of this tool, contact Catalogic Software Technical Support.

Required Components

  • NetApp Storage System(s): One or more NetApp storage systems that meet the requirements as detailed in the System Requirements.
  • Client Machine: A client machine with a browser installed to access the ECX portal.
  • ECX: ECX, installed as a virtual appliance. Required resources have to be added.

Key Steps

  1. Install Search Exporter
  2. Run a Catalog Data Policy
  3. Run a Search Exporter Policy using the script policy feature of ECX
  4. Gather output files

Run a NetApp File Catalog Data Policy

Install Search Exporter

Select Search Exporter in the Catalogic Marketplace, then click Install.

Create a NetApp File Catalog Data Policy

A NetApp File Catalog Data policy provides the framework to collect and catalog information about objects on a registered resource. In the ECX portal, click the Plan tab and the Policies view. Click New and then select NetApp File Catalog Data policy. Select one or more resources to catalog from the list of available resources. Select the options for your policy. Also, enter notifications. If notification options are enabled, an email message with information about the status of each task is sent when the job completes. Optionally, select one or more defined schedules for your policy and save the policy as a job.

Run a NetApp File Catalog Data Job

A job that is based on a NetApp File Catalog Data policy discovers object information, catalogs it, and populates the ECX database. Click the Monitor tab and the Jobs view. Select the job to run by clicking in the row containing the job name. Click Start. The job session runs.

Run a Search Exporter policy

Install the file(s):

  1. If it is not already installed on your ECX appliance, copy the searchexporter jar file to the appliance in the /opt/ECX/tools/scripts directory.
  2. If it is not already installed on your ECX appliance, copy the searchexporter properties file to the appliance in the /opt/ECX/tools/scripts directory.

Create a Script Policy

In the ECX portal, click the Plan tab. On the Views pane, select Policies.

Click the All Policies tab, click New, then click Script. The Script Policy Editor opens. Click the 1: Scripts tab. On the Scripts pane, enter the Search Exporter command in the command text box, and optionally enter a tag or remark in the corresponding description text box. Then click Add.

Note: Adding -searchString <search string text> to the command that executes the .jar file overrides the search string entered in the properties file.

The next section describes the syntax and options for the Search Exporter command.

Run a Script Job

Click the Monitor tab and the Jobs view. Select the job to run by clicking in the row containing the job name. Click Start. The job session runs.

Search Exporter script policy options

When a parameter value is defined on the command line and there is a value for the corresponding command line parameter defined in the optional properties file, the command line option's value will take precedence over the optional properties file's value. Also note that when the application is run from a command within the ECX Script policy there is no need to define the ecxuser and ecxpass parameter values. ECX will provide a session id automatically to the application. The serverURL parameter value is also assumed to be the default value of http://localhost:8082, so usually there is no need to specify this parameter value.

Parameters Command Line String Property File String Description
Help -h, -help or --help  


Property File Location -DECX_PROPS=[property file path] Not Applicable Optional Allows you to specify a property file that can be used to define the parameters identified below.
Log Suffix -Dlogsuffix=[suffix string] Not Applicable Allows you to specify a suffix for the detail file produced. This makes it possible to produce detailed export files that are specific to a defined script policy command. It avoids multiple executions within a script policy from overwriting the export file.
Log Path -Dlogpath=[path string] Not Applicable Allows you to specify a log file location specific to a defined script policy command.
ECX URL Not Applicable catalogic.ecxuser = [string value] The URL used to access ECX. If this app is executed from a command within an ECX Script policy the default value used is http://localhost:8082. Therefore, in most scenarios there is no need to specify this parameter. This app can also be executed from a command line on a pc or server that has Java. In the scenario where you want to run this app outside of the ECX environment set this parameter in the property file using https://[ip address or dns name for ECX]:[port - default is 8443].
ECX User Name Not Applicable catalogic.ecxuser = [string value] This parameter is only necessary if you choose to run the application outside of the ECX environment. When executed from a command in an ECX Script policy, this parameter is not used. The app is executed on behalf of the user that created the Script policy automatically.

If the app is run outside of the ECX environment then specify this parameter within the properties file.
ECX Password Not Applicable catalogic.ecxpass = [string value] This parameter is only necessary if you choose to run the application outside of the ECX environment. When executed from a command in an ECX Script policy, this parameter is not used. The app is executed on behalf of the user that created the Script policy automatically.

If the app is run outside of the ECX environment then specify this parameter within the properties file.
Debug -d Not Applicable Turns on debugging such that debug level statements will appear in the log.
Detail Logging -l catalogic.logDetail = [true or false] Produces a data set (se_detail.log) containing object details with the following format: script_execution_date, index, name, createTime, catalogTime, accessTime, location, documentType, catalogProvider, modifyTime, size_in_bytes, owner, sid, acl, groups, host, volume, directory. The data set is limited to no more than 100 files at 10MB each.
Page Size -pageSize [numeric value] catalogic.pageSize = [numeric value] Determines how many records will be requested at a given time from ECX and processed.
Search String -searchString [string value] catalogic.searchString = [string value] The character pattern to search for in the ECX catalog. Multiple patterns can be specified and should be comma delimited.

Examples of the Search Exporter command with command line options:

In this example, the search string is *.txt, which searches for all .txt objects. Change this value to your desired search.

/usr/java/latest/bin/java -DECX_PROPS=/opt/ECX/tools/scripts/ -jar/opt/ECX/tools/scripts/searchexporter_007.jar -searchString *.txt

Note: Adding -searchString <search string text> to the command that executes the .jar file overrides the search string entered in the properties file.

Examples of the Search Exporter command with options in a properties file:

/usr/java/latest/bin/java -Dlogsuffix="SE"

-DECX_PROPS=/opt/ECX/tools/scripts/ -jar /opt/ECX/tools/scripts/searchexporter_007.jar

The above should be entered as a single line in the script policy editor.

Gather Output Files

Log in to the ECX Linux shell with the root account. Tools like winscp or putty can be used.

By default the output files are stored in /opt/ECX/virgo unless differently specified with the Dlogpath option. Output files consist of se_main.log and se_details.log. The name is dependent on the Dlogsuffix option.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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