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File Analytics Reports


ECX uses powerful file reporting and analytics to quickly pinpoint inefficient use of storage. You can identify unwanted objects such as old files that have not been accessed for a set amount of time, extremely large files, and file types that may violate storage policies, like video and music files.

The File Analytics Reports help you review your storage needs and examine your storage capacity. There are a number of variables that you can use to view the files on your system. Using the File Analytics Reports you can drill down to information about the size of files, the age of files, and type of files on your storage systems. Reports are based on the data collected by the most recently run policy.

Use the File Analytics Reports to answer questions such as:

  • What is the average size of files stored?
  • What files have not been accessed within a given time period?
  • What is the amount of space usage by file type?

Choose the File Analytics report that fits your needs:

  • File Usage by Owner Report - Identify the largest space consumers on your storage systems by owner to help manage storage utilization. Run the File Usage by Owner report to view the owners consuming the largest amount of space on your storage systems.
  • Files By Age Report - Review the age of files on your NetApp storage systems based on the creation date, the last time accessed, and the last time modified.
  • Files By Category Report - Identify the application types that monopolize your storage. View storage consumption by extension and the number of files associated with the extension.
  • Files By Size Report - Discover the largest space consumers on your NetApp storage systems. View the largest files, path and volume location, and last time accessed.

Quick View

This area of the report is a graphical illustration of the report using pie charts. For example, the quick view of the Files by Age report shows the age of all files on a volume.

Detail View

This area of the report is a table where each row details a node, its corresponding volume, and details returned by the report. For example, the Files By Size report shows the largest files on your node, their size, and the last time they were accessed.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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