You are here: Search > View Object Details

View Object Details

From the search results, you can view the attributes of a searched object, including its location, type, and the dates associated with its creation and modification. If more than one version of an object exists in the Catalog, the search results displays the latest version and attributes of the object.

Note that this topic does not apply to searches for low-level NetApp files cataloged with a NetApp File Catalog Data policy. Results returned from a NetApp file search differ from other object search results.


To view object details:

  1. Click an object name in the search results pane to view more information about an object. The properties of the object display in a new tab.
  2. If more than one version of the object exists in the Catalog, select a version of the object to view from the Versions tab.
  3. Note: The object that displays in the search results pane is the latest version. In some cases, the name of a returned object on the search results pane may be the same as another object, however the resources where the objects reside is different. Review the file properties of the objects by selecting their names on the search results pane to view the differences between the returned entries.
  4. Review the properties of the object. The specific properties vary by type of object.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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