You are here: Plan > Schedules > Edit a Schedule

Edit a Schedule

Revise a schedule to change the timetable for running a job session. Because a single schedule can be applied to multiple jobs, all jobs associated with the schedule you are editing are impacted.

Best Practice: Overlapping schedules may slow down your network. Decrease the strain on your network by configuring multiple schedules to run at different times or days of the week.


To edit a schedule:

  1. Click the Plan Plan tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Schedules Schedule icon.
  2. Select the schedule to edit by clicking in the row containing the schedule name.
  3. Revise fields on the Properties pane:
    1. In Name, enter a descriptive schedule name. By default, your schedule parameters are added to the schedule description.
    2. In Name, enter a descriptive schedule name. By default, your schedule parameters are added to the schedule description.
      • Once to schedule a job session to run once. In Trigger date, select the day of the week for the job session to run. In Time of day, select a starting time.
      • Hourly to schedule a job session to run hourly. In Interval, select the number of hours between job sessions. In Time of day and Starts, select a starting time and date. If applicable, enter an expiration date in Expires.
      • Daily to schedule a job session to run daily or every few days. In Interval, select the number of days between job sessions. In Time of day and Starts, select a starting time and date. If applicable, enter an expiration date in Expires.
      • Weekly to schedule a job session to run weekly or every few weeks. In Day of week, select the day of the week for the job session to run during the week. In Time of day and Starts, select a starting time and date. If applicable, enter an expiration date in Expires.
      • Monthly to schedule a job session to run monthly or every few months. In Day of month, select the day or days of the month for the job session to run during the month. In Time of day and Starts, select a starting time and date. If applicable, enter an expiration date in Expires.
  4. Click Save Save icon. The revisions are applied to the schedule.



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