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Documentation Roadmap

Documentation is an essential part of every good software application. Catalogic provides a suite of documentation for the ECX application. Users ranging from beginner to experienced can find helpful information covering multiple aspects.

Note: For the latest system requirements, customer notices, product documentation, and access to the Catalogic Knowledge Base, go to MySupport.

Help System

In ECX, when needed:

  • Click the help icon Help icon to invoke help specific to the active function.
  • Use the Help system's Search and Index features to locate pertinent information, as these features search the entire documentation suite.

By default, the Help system accessed from the management interface is online. To ensure you are seeing the latest Help system, clear your browser cache before selecting Help. To use a local Help system that does not require an Internet connection click the arrow next to Help Help icon to open the About Catalogic ECX window. Select Use local help system. The local version might not contain the latest updates.

Quick Start Guide

This PDF is intended for users and administrators. It contains a product overview, a summary of the workflow, and the steps to deploy and start the application, register and catalog resources, run a job, perform searches, and generate reports. Additionally, it contains checklists for application deployment.

This PDF is also intended for the Super User and system administrators for ECX. It provides procedures on how to install, set up, and start the application, and lists the system requirements pertinent to successfully install and effectively run the application. It also provides procedures to add and maintain Users including configuring LDAP authentication.

User's Guide

This PDF is intended for ECX users, system administrators, and the Super User. It contains information, procedures, and tips for the most commonly used functions.

System administrators can use this guide to help install, maintain, and start the application, manage users, and catalog resource information. Users can find procedures on how to search and browse for objects, generate and interpret reports, and schedule jobs.

Catalogic Knowledge Base

The Catalogic Knowledge Base includes articles on best practices, known issues, and how to resolve common issues. Access the Catalogic Knowledge Base at the following location: Catalogic Knowledge Base.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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