You are here: Configure > Configure Providers > Unregister a Provider

Unregister a Provider

Unregister a registered provider if you do not want to run reports against it, search for objects on it, or create a policy.

Note: A provider cannot be deleted if it is assigned to a Resource Pool. Remove your providers from Resource Pools before deleting.

Best Practice: Ensure the provider you unregister is not associated with any defined policy.


  • Review the properties of the provider to determine if you want to unregister it. See Edit a Provider.

Note: If an associated provider is unregistered before, during, or after a Copy Data or Use Data job executes, the job fails with a task framework error. If the unregistered providers are re-registered in ECX, new Copy Data or Use Data policies must be defined for the providers.

To unregister a provider:

  1. Click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Providers Add Node icon. The Provider Browser opens.
  2. In the Provider Browser pane, browse to the desired provider and select it.
  3. Right-click the provider. Then click Unregister Delete icon. A confirmation dialog box opens.
  4. Confirm unregistration. The provider is unregistered.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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