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Report Overview

ECX provides a number of predefined reports, which you can tailor to meet your specific reporting requirements. Reports are based on the data collected by the most recently run catalog policy, and you can generate reports after all cataloging jobs and subsequent database condense jobs complete. Click the Reports tab to display the Report Browser. You can run reports with predefined default parameters or run and save customized reports driven by custom parameters.

The information in these reports are presented in a chart-based Quick View section, or tabular Summary View and Detail View sections.

Reports include interactive elements, such as searching for individual values within a report, vertical scrolling, and column sorting. Information groups, such as the Primary Source Volume groups in the NetApp Protection Usage report, can also be sorted by clicking the group name.

You can add a Report policy to summarize information about cataloged providers and the data and other resources that reside on them, then schedule the Report policy to run as defined by the parameters of the schedule.

To further analyze the data or print a hard copy, use the export functionality to save the data from the generated report to an Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word file, Microsoft Excel file, or HTML file.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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