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Collect Logs For Troubleshooting

For troubleshooting the ECX application, ECX can generate an archive of logs containing various files. This log collection file is used as a troubleshooting aid by Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support.

There are two approaches for downloading logs. Download logs from the Support menu or access the ECX virtual appliance through vSphere Client to download logs using a command prompt. The first approach is simpler and generally sufficient. The second approach produces a more comprehensive set of logs.


  • Contact Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support to determine if they need a log collection file for troubleshooting.
  • If you are collecting logs from the virtual appliance, ensure you have administrator access to the virtual appliance where ECX is deployed. See User Administration and Security Management.
  • If you are collecting logs from the virtual appliance, download an SCP client to save the logs to your local machine. If your local computer is Windows based, you can use WinSCP. See If your local computer is Unix based, you can use scp. See

To collect logs from the Support menu: 

  1. Click the arrow next to the Support Support icon icon, then click Download Log Files Download icon.
  2. Select a location to save the zip file.
  3. Note: The following logs are added to the zip file and saved to your local machine: mongo, rabbitmq, and virgo.

To collect ECX logs from the virtual appliance:

Note: This procedure assumes ECX deployment was to a VMware appliance host.

  1. Log on to the virtual appliance console as administrator.
  2. To log on to the virtual appliance:

    1. In vSphere Client, select the virtual machine where ECX is deployed.
    2. In the Summary tab, select Open Console and click in the console.
    3. Select Login, and enter your user name and password. The default user name is administrator and the default password is ecxadLG235.

  3. Navigate to /opt/ECX/tools/scripts.
  4. Run logcollect using the sudo command. For example, at the command prompt enter:
  5. $ sudo ./logcollect
  6. or
  7. $ sudo /opt/ECX/tools/scripts/logcollect
  8. The logcollect script might take a few minutes to run depending on application usage. .
  9. Optionally, add a specific job log to the archive using the -job command and the job ID, which can be obtained through the job's instance on the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab. For example, at the command prompt enter:
  10. $ sudo ./logcollect -job <job ID>
  11. or
  12. $ sudo /opt/ECX/tools/scripts/logcollect -job <job ID>
  13. Find the collected logs archived as a zip file in /opt/ECX/tools/logcollect/archives. The zip file name is unique, created using the host or DNS name and timestamp. It is of the form <host>_logs_<date>_<time>.zip.
  14. Note: The following logs are added to the zip file: logcollect, mongo, postgres, rabbitmq, system, virgo, and job if the -job command was run.


  • Contact Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support to inform them that you have created a log collection file for troubleshooting.
  • If you collected logs from the virtual appliance, copy the zip file to your local computer. If your local computer is Windows based, you can use WinSCP. See If your local computer is Unix based, you can use scp. See
  • Send the zipped log collection file to Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support.
  • Manually clean up the archive directory.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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