You are here: Plan > Copy Data Policies > Create an Application Copy Policy

Create an Application Copy Policy

ECX provides Oracle application database copy management through application-consistent copy creation, cloning, and recovery. ECX copy management leverages the snapshot and replication features of the underlying storage platform to create, replicate, clone, and restore copies of Oracle databases.

ECX auto-discovers databases and enables copies only of eligible databases. To be eligible for copy, the Oracle database needs to be residing on a supported storage platform. The following options are available in the Application Copy policy:

RMAN Integration - Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN), a command-line and Enterprise Manager-based tool, is the method preferred by Oracle DBAs for backup and recovery of Oracle databases, including maintaining an RMAN repository. The retention of RMAN cataloged data is managed by settings in Oracle. ECX automates cataloging of Oracle database copies in the RMAN recovery catalog, enabling database administrators to leverage RMAN for verification and advanced recovery.

Log Backup - The log backup feature enables continuous copy of Archive logs to a specified destination. Archive log retention is managed by settings in RMAN. ECX leverages archived logs to enable point-in-time recoveries of databases to facilitate RPOs.

Data Masking - Data masking is used to hide confidential data by replacing it with fictitious data. This feature is used when making data copies for DevTest or other use cases.


  • Create and run an Application Catalog policy that includes the providers you wish to copy. See Create an Application Catalog Policy.
  • Configure a Storage Workflow. Note that only IBM storage-based workflows are available for use in Application Copy policies. See Configure Storage Workflows.
  • Review Oracle requirements. See Oracle Requirements.
  • Note that Oracle databases must be registered in the recovery catalog before running an Application Copy Policy utilizing the Record copies in RMAN recovery catalog feature.
  • For email notifications, at least one SMTP server must be configured. Before defining a policy, add SMTP resources. See Register a Provider.


  • In your Linux environment, if Oracle data or logs reside on LVM volumes, ensure the LVM version is or later.
  • Note that point-in-time recovery is not supported when one or more datafiles are added to the database in the period between the chosen point-in-time and the time that the preceeding copy job ran.
  • One or more schedules might also be associated with a policy. Job sessions run based on the triggers defined in the schedule. See Create a Schedule.

To create an Application Copy policy:

  1. Click the Plan Plan tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Policies Reports icon.
  2. Click the All Policies tab, click New New icon, then select Application Applications icon in the Copy Data column. The Application Copy Policy editor opens.
  3. Select an Oracle template.
  4. Click the 1: Source tab. From the list of available sites select one or more providers to copy as defined in the associated Storage Workflows. Expand Oracle home directories to view associated application databases.
  5. Note: You cannot select a database if it is not eligible for protection. Hover your cursor over the database name to view the reasons the database is ineligible, such as the database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode, or the database files, control files, or redo log files are stored on unsupported storage.
  6. Click the 2. Storage Workflow tab, then select a Storage Workflow that meets your copy data criteria. Note that only IBM storage-based workflows are available for use in Application Copy policies.
  7. Set a time to run the Storage Workflow with the Specify Activation Time trigger, then click Add to add it to the policy. To run the Storage Workflow on demand through the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab, select Manual.
  8. If configuring more than one Storage Workflow in a policy, use the Same as workflow option to trigger multiple Storage Workflows to run at the same time.
  9. Repeat the steps above to add additional Storage Workflows to the policy.
  10. Click the 3. Options tab. Set the policy options.
  11. Maximum Concurrent Tasks
  12. Set the maximum amount of concurrent transfers between the source and the destination.
  13. Record copies in RMAN local repository
  14. Enable to create a local copy of the Recovery Manager (RMAN) catalog during the running of the Application Copy policy. RMAN catalogs can be used for backup, recovery, and maintenance of Oracle databases outside of ECX.
  15. Record copies in RMAN recovery catalog
  16. If Record copies in RMAN local repository is selected, select Record copies in RMAN recovery catalog to also create a remote RMAN catalog. Select an eligible Remote Catalog Database from the list of available sites. Select a Recovery Catalog Owner from the list of available Identities, or create a new Recovery Catalog Owner, then click OK.
  17. Note that Oracle databases must be registered in the recovery catalog before running an Application Copy Policy utilizing the Record copies in RMAN recovery catalog feature.
  18. Click the 4. Log Backup tab. If Create additional archive log destination is selected, ECX backs up database logs to the directory entered in the Destination Mount Point field, then protects the underlying disks. Select resources in the Select resource(s) to add archive log destination field. The destination must already exist and must reside on storage from a supported vendor.
  19. The default option is Use existing archive log destination(s). Note that ECX automatically discovers the location where Oracle writes archived logs. If this location resides on storage from a supported vendor, ECX can protect it. If the existing location is not on supported storage, or if you wish to create an additional backup of database logs, enable the Create additional archive log destination option, then specify a path that resides on supported storage. When enabled, ECX configures the database to start writing archived logs to this new location in addition to any existing locations where the database is already writing logs.
  20. If multiple databases are selected for Copy Data, then each of the servers hosting the databases must have their Destination Mount Points set individually. For example, if two databases from Server A and Server B are added to the same policy, and a single mount point named /logbackup is defined in the policy, then you must create separate disks for both servers and mount them both to /logbackup on the individual servers.
  21. Click the 5. Data Masking tab. If enabled, ECX mounts snapshot copies of the protected database onto a user-specified staging server. Select resources to be masked from the list of available databases, select a copy to mask, and an Oracle home where masking takes place. Set a trigger, then in the Enter path to masking command on Oracle Server field, enter the full path to an external script or tool to perform the data masking. For example, /home/oracle/tools/
  22. ECX spins up a clone of the database on the staging server, then executes the user-specified command to perform masking. When the command completes successfully, ECX cleans up the clone database, and catalogs and saves the masked copies which are then available for selection in the DevOps workflow of ECX Application Use policies.
  23. Note:Oracle homes selected to be protected must be different from the Oracle home where masking takes place in the policy.
  24. Click the 6: Notification tab. Select the policy notification options.

    1. SMTP Server
    2. From the list of available SMTP resources, select the SMTP Server to use for job status email notifications. If an SMTP server is not selected, an email is not sent.
    3. Email Address
    4. Enter the email addresses of the status email notifications recipients. Click Add Add Node icon to add it to the list.
  25. Click the 7: Finish tab. Enter a name for your policy and a meaningful description. When you are satisfied that the policy-specific information is correct, click Finish.The policy runs as defined by your triggers, or can be run manually from the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab.



Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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