You are here: Report > Download a Report

Download a Report

Download reports from the report output or from the History pane. Reports can be downloaded as HTML files, Adobe PDFs, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and Microsoft Word files.

Best Practice: Generated reports are automatically removed from the History Job Sessions icon pane seven days after their initial run. To save a report indefinitely, download it as an HTML file, Adobe PDF, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, or Microsoft Word file. Click Download Download icon while viewing an open report or download a previously generated report from the History Job Sessions icon pane.

Note: Some report images appear truncated when viewed in Microsoft Word. For best results, view downloaded reports through the Web Layout.


  • Run a report from the Report Browser pane. See Run a Report.

To download a report:

  1. Run a report from the Report Browser pane.
  2. Click Download Download icon.
  3. Select HTML HTML icon, PDF PDF icon, Excel Excel icon, or Word Word icon . You can view the report now or save it to a file.

To download a generated report:

  1. Click the Report Reports tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select History Job Sessions icon.
  2. On the All Reports pane, select a generated report to download.
  3. Click the HTML HTML icon, PDF PDF icon, Excel Excel icon, or Word Word icon icon associated with the report. You can view the report now or save it to a file.


  • Review your downloaded report for further analysis of your data.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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