You are here: Plan > Copy Data Policies > Create an EMC VNX Copy Data Policy

Create an EMC VNX Copy Data Policy

Copy EMC VNX data with snapshots, replication, and VM Copies using an EMC VNX Copy Data policy. The RPO and copy data parameters are defined in a Storage Workflow, which is then applied to the Copy Data policy along with a specified activation time to meet your copy data criteria. Supported sources include EMC VNX storage systems.



  • Note that before running replication jobs, replication connections must be established between VNX arrays. Create replication connections through the EMC Unisphere wizard found under Hosts > Replication Connections.

  • One or more schedules might also be associated with a policy. Job sessions run based on the triggers defined in the schedule. See Create a Schedule.

To create an EMC VNX Copy Data policy:

  1. Click the Plan Plan tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Policies Reports icon.
  2. Click the All Policies tab, click New New icon, then select EMC VNX EMC VNX icon in the Copy Data column. The EMC VNX Copy Data Policy editor opens.
  3. Click the 1: Source tab. From the drop-down menu select LUNs or File Systems. From the list of available sites, select one or more providers to copy as defined in the associated Storage Workflows.
  4. Click the 2. Storage Workflow tab, then select a Storage Workflow that meets your copy data criteria.
  5. Set a time to run the Storage Workflow with the Specify activation time trigger, then click Add to add it to the policy. To run the Storage Workflow on demand through the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab, select Manual.
  6. If configuring more than one Storage Workflow in a policy, select the Same as workflow option to trigger multiple Storage Workflows to run concurrently.
  7. Note: Only Storage Workflows with the same RPO frequencies can be linked through the Same as workflow option. Define an RPO frequency when creating a Storage Workflow.
  8. Repeat the steps above to add additional Storage Workflows to the policy.
  9. Click the 3. Options tab. Set the policy options.
  10. Maximum Concurrent Tasks
  11. Set the maximum amount of concurrent transfers between the source and the destination.
  12. Enable Policy-Level Scripts
  13. Policy-level prescripts and postscripts are scripts that can be run before or after a policy runs. Enter individual script commands or the location of the prescript or postscript.
  14. Policy-level scripts are run at the policy-level. A script can consist of one or many commands, such as a shell script. Note that external scripts must be added to the /data/userscripts directory on the ECX appliance. To invoke an external script through the Prescript and Postscript fields, enter the full path and the name of the script: /data/userscripts/<name of script>. For information about script return codes, see Return Code Reference.
  15. Select Continue operation on script failure to continue running the policy if a command in any of the scripts associated with the policy fails.
  16. Click the 4: Notification tab. Select the policy notification options.
  17. SMTP Server
  18. From the list of available SMTP resources, select the SMTP Server to use for job status email notifications. If an SMTP server is not selected, an email is not sent.
  19. Email Address
  20. Enter the email addresses of the status email notifications recipients. Click Add Add Node icon to add it to the list.
  21. Click the 5: Finish tab. Enter a name for your policy and a meaningful description. When you are satisfied that the policy-specific information is correct, click Finish. The policy runs as defined by your triggers, or can be run manually from the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab


  • If you do not want to wait until the next scheduled job run, run the job session on demand. See Start, Stop, and Halt a Job Session.
  • Track the progress of the job session on the Monitor tab. See Monitor a Job Session.
  • If notification options are enabled, an email message with information about the status of each task is sent when the job completes.
  • Use the Catalog Browse feature to review the recovery point. See Browse Catalog.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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