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Monitor a Job Session

You can view the details of a job session that is currently running or one that has finished. Use the Monitor window to view the status of a job session including start time, end time, and job name.


To monitor a running job session:

  1. Click the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Jobs Job List icon. The All Jobs pane displays defined jobs that are currently running or idle, and provides information about their most recent session, their last runtime, last run duration, and last run status.
  2. View the status of a job in the status column. Currently running job sessions are represented by an active icon. Once a job session finishes, one of the following icons appears in the status column:
    • Complete icon Completed - Indicates the job session completed successfully. All tasks associated with the job session were completed.
    • Partial icon Partial - Indicates the job session completed, but one or more tasks failed or were skipped.
    • Failed icon Failed - Indicates the job session did not successfully complete due to mixed task statuses.
    • Aborted icon Aborted - Indicates the job session did not successfully complete due to a reset, reboot, or shutdown of the virtual appliance server.
    • Held Held - Indicates the job has been paused through the Halt feature in the Actions menu.
    • Pending icon Idle - Indicates the job session is idle.
    • Skipped icon Skipped - Indicates that a volume was not cataloged. See the Task tab for more information about skipped jobs.
    • Stopped icon Stopped - Indicates the job was stopped using the Stop button.

To filter the list of jobs based on type or status:

  1. Click the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Jobs Job List icon or History Job Sessions icon.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow in the header of the Type, Status, or Last Run Status columns.
  3. Select Filters, then choose a filter criteria.

To view information about specific job sessions:

  1. Click the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab. In the Views pane, select History Job Sessions icon. The History pane displays job sessions including start and end date and time, policy name, job name, and status.
  2. Select a job to view by clicking its job name. The following tabs open:
  3. General
  4. Displays an overview of the job session, including start and end times, duration, and status. It also displays details of the underlying tasks that take place during the job session, including the task’s type, duration, and status.
  5. Tasks
  6. Displays a task-by-task view of the job session, including start and end times, duration, and status.
  7. Log
  8. Displays the job log, which can be used for troubleshooting purposes. Job logs are automatically removed from the ECX Catalog six months after they are generated.
  9. Policy
  10. Displays an overview of the policy definition, including the policy name, sources, options, and notification settings.

To see a list of jobs scheduled to run on a given day:

  1. Click the Monitor Monitor tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Schedule Schedule icon.
  2. Select a monthly, weekly, or daily calendar view. A list of all jobs scheduled to run displays.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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