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Add a Key

Some features in ECX require credentials and keys to access your providers. For example, ECX connects to the Oracle servers as the local operating system user specified during registration in order to perform tasks like cataloging, data protection, and data restores. ECX also logs into local database and ASM instances as this user through password-less OS authentication. Therefore, the user must have all the privileges ECX needs to perform its tasks.

ECX connects to Oracle servers as a local operating system user through a password or an SSH key. To use a key, enter a username and select or create an SSH key. When using a key, the username must exist as a local user on the Oracle server. For password-based authentication, the password must be correctly configured for the appropriate user on the Oracle server. For key-based authentication, the public key must be placed in the authorized_keys file for the appropriate user on the Oracle server. See Oracle Requirements.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) access keys and secret keys are configured through the AWS Management Console and then added to ECX.

The procedures below describe how to add keys and register associated Oracle or AWS providers.

Add an SSH key through the I will provide a keypair method and register an associated provider

  1. On an Oracle server, enter the ssh-keygen command and follow the instructions.
  2. When asked to Enter file in which to save the key, enter a file and location such as the following: /root/sshkey.
  3. In the /root location on the server entered in step 2, the file contains the public key, which must be copied, pasted, and saved into the authorized_keys file after executing cd ~/.ssh while logged in as the Oracle user assigned to ECX.
  4. In ECX, click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Identities Identities icon , then the Keys tab.
  5. Click New Add Roles icon . The Create Key dialog displays.
  6. Select SSH as the key type and enter a key name in the Name field..
  7. Select I will provide a keypair as the creation method.
  8. In the /root location on the Oracle server entered in Step 2, the file sshkey contains the private key, which must be copied, pasted, and saved in the Private Key field in the Create Key dialog. Enter an optional comment.
  9. Click OK to create the key. See the following steps to use this key to register an Oracle provider.
  10. In ECX, click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Providers Add Node icon. The Provider Browser opens.
  11. Right-click Oracle Oracle provider icon in the Provider Browser, then click Register Register icon. The Register Oracle Server dialog opens.
  12. Select a Site, enter a Name and Host Address.
  13. Select Key as the Authentication type. Enter the Oracle username, then select the key created in Step 5 in the Key field. Click OK.

Add an SSH key through the Generate a keypair for me method and register an associated provider

  1. In ECX, click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Identities Identities icon , then the Keys tab.
  2. Click New Add Roles icon . The Create Key dialog displays.
  3. Select SSH as the key type and enter a key name in the Name field.
  4. Select Generate a keypair for me as the creation type and enter an optional comment. Click OK. A public key is generated and displays in the Create Key dialog. Copy the key. See the following steps to use this key to register an Oracle provider.
  5. On the Oracle server, execute cd ~/.ssh while logged in as Oracle user assigned to ECX. Paste and save the generated public key to the authorized_keys file.
  6. In ECX, click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Providers Add Node icon. The Provider Browser opens.
  7. Right-click Oracle Oracle provider icon in the Provider Browser, then click Register Register icon. The Register Oracle Server dialog opens.
  8. Select a Site, enter a Name and Host Address.
  9. Select Key as the Authentication type. Enter the Oracle username, then select the key created in Step 2 in the Key field. Click OK. 

Add an Amazon Web Services (AWS) key and register an associated provider

  1. Create your AWS access key and secret key through the AWS Management Console. Make note of the access and secret keys, which will be used later in this procedure. See Managing Access Keys for IAM Users.
  2. In ECX, click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Identities Identities icon , then the Keys tab.
  3. Click New Add Roles icon . The Create Key dialog displays.
  4. Select AWS as the key type and enter a key name in the Name field.
  5. Enter the access key and secret key created in Step 1 in the Access and Secret fields. Enter an optional comment. See the following steps to use this key to register an AWS provider.
  6. In ECX, click the Configure Configure tab icon tab. On the Views pane, select Providers Add Node icon. The Provider Browser opens.
  7. Right-click AWS AWS provider icon in the Provider Browser, then click Register Register icon. The Register Amazon Web Services dialog opens.
  8. Select a Site, enter a Name and select a Region.
  9. Click Select in the Access Key section, then select the key created above. Click OK.


Catalogic ECX™ 2.4

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